
When we met and heard about Mealshare in 2013, we knew this program would give poutine a purpose. For every poutine you buy and enjoy during Poutine with Purpose Week, one simple, healthy meal will be provided to a youth in need. Mealshare wants to end youth hunger in our lifetime - let’s help them do it!

Who is Mealshare 

Mealshare partners with restaurants across Canada through a simple 'buy one, give one' model that provides simple, healthy meals to youth in need. When a guest orders Mealshare menu item at a partner restaurant, they will get their meal just like normal, but now one meal will also be provided! Easy, right?

“1 in 6 Canadian Children are food insecure”

We’re committed to creating a world where it’s easy to give, and every youth is fed as a result. Proud to say that we won’t stop until that’s happened!


For more information and a list of Mealshare partner restaurants in your city visit